




VEO Vision Therapy Blog

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The Connection Between Vision and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children

Parents should prioritize their children’s eye and vision health. It will help the children develop without problems, supported by ideal management to help them have a good quality of life.

The Impact of Screen Time on Children's Vision and How Vision Therapy Can Help

Everyone uses digital devices as they have become an integral part of life. The same applies to children. Most parents allow their kids to use screens for communication, education, and entertainment.

Deep Learning Approaches for Child Vision-based Learning: Techniques and Results

There is a growing interest in deep learning approaches for child vision-based learning. These techniques show significant success in different applications.

The Causes and Risk Factors for Myopia

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a prevalent vision problem that usually develops during childhood or adolescence. It affects an estimated five percent of preschoolers, nine percent of school-aged children, and 30 percent of adolescents.

The Long-term Effects of Multiple Concussions

Multiple concussions can have a range of poor effects. They can harm an individual's long-term health and well-being. The effects can be particularly devastating for children whose brains are still developing.

How Can Vision Therapy Help Children With Dyslexia?

Vision is an important aspect of the ability of a child to learn. According to research, children learn about 80 percent of everything through vision. From these statistics, it is safe to assume that if the child has a visual issue, their ability to learn is significantly affected. Because of this, many eye doctors recommend that children have regular eye exams, especially before they join school.

Why Children Should Have a Binocular Vision Assessment

Parents always want to ensure their children live happy and comfortable lives. Their success begins with their school life. Various problems can cause your child to struggle while in school. Ailments and developmental issues could contribute to it. Hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder is among the conditions that cause children to have low performance in school. However, ADHD symptoms often overlap with binocular vision disorder.

Early Signs of Reading Difficulty in Children

Reading difficulties in children are related to neurological conditions that affect the ability to process, store or produce information. Early diagnosis of the issue can allow children to receive essential support and tools for reading. It can help prevent frustration that can lead to poor self-esteem and behavioral problems.

Is Your Child a Candidate for Vision Therapy?

The common misconception is that seeing clearly is a sign of good vision. The truth is that children can experience vision-related problems and yet have 20/20 vision. When visual skills fail to develop, they may lead to vision challenges.

The eyes, the brain and learning

Once a concussion has occurred, a child may report sensitivity to lights, blurred vision, dizziness, fatigue when reading, headaches and difficulty concentrating. A primary care doctor of optometry may have such a child visit their office with any of these symptoms.

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